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How To Choose Sublimation Phone Case?

3d sublimation phone case blanks snap on plastic case for full wrap print (6)

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Sublimation products have become a very popular business choice recently, especially the sublimation phone cases, the number of people using smartphones is very high, and the demand for customization is growing. The blank sublimation phone case provides a way for the customer to custom their own design on the phone case with minimum order quantity 1piece, they can put their family, lover, pets, or any design they want to be printed on their phone case.

With the upgrading of printing machines and the improvement of printing technology, over 10+ blank phone cases can choose for sublimation. Here is the complete guide on how to select the sublimation phone case.

Types of the sublimation phone case

First, you need to know what type of machine you have to sublimate the phone case. You must choose the 2D sublimation phone case if you have a heat press machine. If you have a vacuum machine, you must choose the 3D sublimation phone case. They are incompatible types and cannot be used on each other’s machines for thermal sublimation processing.

2D sublimation phone case

2D sublimation phone cases are using a metal aluminum sheet to print the design on, combining the plastic and TPU shell with a sticker. They usually have 3 parts: 1 metal part for sublimate, 1 sticker, and 1 basic phone case. 

2D sublimation phone case uses a heat press machine to print the design on the metal aluminum plate under high temperature, and the design is only able to print at the back of the phone case, edge border is not able to print.

Advantages of a 2D heat transfer sublimation phone case are a wide range of models and types to choose from at lower prices, and an easy and fast printing process.

3D sublimation phone case

The 3D sublimation phone case is made of polycarbonate plastic which is high-temperature resistant. Printing design on the particular film paper, the sublimation process is completed in the high-temperature vacuum machine. Because of the requirements for thermally sublimated materials, 3D sublimation phone cases do not have many options to choose on phone case types, the most commonly used is a simple snap-on phone case, and 2 in 1 tough phone case.

A good 3D sublimation phone case is costly because of the phone case design and coated surface which keeps the design last longer and more bright.

Advantages of the 3D sublimation phone case are edge-to-edge full wrapped print, it offers a very good hand feeling on the glossy and frosted surface finish.

What is needed for the sublimation phone case?

First of all, you can not sublimate a regular phone case no matter on the 2D heat press machine or the 3D vacuum machine, the phone case can use on the sublimation machine with a special film or material which resists processing at 180 degrees. The regular phone case made of plastic, TPU, or silicone materials will melt if used on the sublimate machine.

To start a sublimation phone case business, you will need the following items basically.

Phone case sublimation printer machine

You will need a sublimation machine from the heat press or the 3D vacuum machine to sublimate the phone case.

Blank phone case

After choosing the sublimation printer, you need to choose the blank phone case which can use on the sublimation printer. And 3D phone case also needs a blue metal mold that against the deformation of the mobile phone case at high temperatures.

Sublimation paper film for phone case

No matter heat press printer or a 3D vacuum printer machine, you need both special paper films to print the design first.

Sublimation phone case design template

After you choose the blank phone case, you need to find the phone model template before you print the design on the paper, this way you will get the pattern with no deviations in size, perfectly printed on the specific phone case. feel free to contact our design team at design@qeeca-case.com, the printable sublimation phone case templates in PSD will send away for free.

You will also need the print ink, tape, handling gloves, and software which you can get from the machine supplier.


Can you sublimate on a regular phone case?

The main reason why you can not sublimate on the regular phone case is the materials of a regular phone case can not be processed at high machine temperatures.

What temperature should a sublimation phone case be?

3D sublimation needs to be heated at a high 370 F (180 C) temperature, for 45-60 Seconds on Medium pressure at the heat press.

3D sublimation needs to be 50-60 seconds at a high 400 F(200 C)  temperature with medium pressure.

Different printer machines may come out of different quality, you need to test samples first in order to get the best finish quality.

What machine do I need to print on the phone case?

Choose the heat press machine if you custom a back print phone case with a low budget. if you want a full print over the phone case, choose the 3D vacuum machine.

Picture of Lily Wang

Lily Wang

Hi, iam Lily, works at phone case and phone accessories field in China over 6 years now, iam interested in latest technical items.

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